Introduction ============ cocos2d is a framework for building 2D games, demos, and other graphical/interactive applications. cocos2d simplifies the game development in these areas: - **Flow control:** Manage the flow control between different scenes in an easy way - **Sprites:** Fast and easy sprites - **Actions:** Just tell sprites what you want them to do. Composable actions like move, rotate, scale, etc - **Effects:** Effects like waves, twirl, lens and much more - **Particle Systems:** Explosions, fireworks, meteors, smoke and more - **Tiled maps:** Support for rectangular and hexagonal tiled maps - **Collision:** Basic pure python support for collisions - **Transitions:** Move from scene to scene with style - **Menus:** Built in classes to create menus - **Text rendering** - **Documentation:** Programming Guide + API Reference + Lots of simple tests showing how to use it - **Built-in python interpreter:** For debugging purposes - **BSD license:** Just use it - **pyglet based:** No external dependencies - **OpenGL based:** Hardward accelerated