cocos.sprite module

Sprites allows to display an image in a rectangular area, which can be rotated, scaled and moved. The placement in the scene follows the standard CocosNode rules. Also, all stock actions will work with sprites.

Animating a sprite

Animation as in cartoon style animation, that is, replacing the image fast enough to give the illusion of movement, can be accomplished by:

  • using an animated .gif file as source for the image

  • passing a pyglet.image.Animation as image, which collects a number of images

  • have an array of images and let your code assign to the sprite image member

Changing a sprite by way of actions

To execute any action you need to create an action:

move = MoveBy((50, 0), 5)

In this case, move is an action that will move the sprite 50 pixels to the right (x coordinate) and 0 pixel in the y coordinate in 5 seconds.

And now tell the sprite to execute it:
class Sprite(image, position=0, 0, rotation=0, scale=1, opacity=255, color=255, 255, 255, anchor=None, **kwargs)

Bases: cocos.batch.BatchableNode, pyglet.sprite.Sprite

A CocosNode that displays a rectangular image.


sprite = Sprite('grossini.png')
  • image (str, pyglet.image.AbstractImage or pyglet.image.Animation) – name of the image resource, a pyglet image or a pyglet animation

  • position (tuple[float]) – position of the anchor. Defaults to (0,0)

  • rotation (float) – the rotation (in degrees). Defaults to 0.

  • scale (float) – the zoom factor. Defaults to 1.

  • scale_x (float) – additional horizontal-only zoom factor. Defaults to 1.

  • scale_y (float) – additional vertical-only zoom factor. Defaults to 1.

  • opacity (int) – the opacity (0=transparent, 255=opaque). Defaults to 255.

  • color (tuple[int]) – the color to colorize the child (RGB 3-tuple). Defaults to (255,255,255).

  • anchor (tuple[float]) – (x, y) - point from where the image will be positioned, rotated and scaled in pixels. For example (image.width/2, image.height/2) is the center (default).


alias of Sprite

contains(x, y)

Test if the point is in the area covered by the (untransformed) Sprite bounding box.




When the sprite is not into a batch it will be drawn with this method. If in a batch, this method is not called, and the draw is done by the batch.


cocos.rect.Rect – Local-coordinates Axis Aligned Bounding Box.


Get a cocos.rect.Rect for this sprite.

Note that this rect’s position is most likely NOT the same as the Sprite’s position - in fact by default the rect’s center is the Sprite’s position. If you move the rect around and wish to reflect this change in the Sprite, you will probably have to do something like (again with the default image anchor in the center):

rect = sprite.get_rect()
rect.midbottom = (0, 100)
sprite.position =

cocos.rect.Rect – The bounding box for this sprite.

property height

Scaled height of the sprite.

Read-only. Invariant under rotation.



property image_anchor

Point from where the image will be positioned, rotated and scaled in pixels.



property image_anchor_x

x coordinate from where the image will be positioned, rotated and scaled in pixels.



property image_anchor_y

y coordinate from where the image will be positioned, rotated and scaled in pixels.



property position

position of the sprite in (x, y) coordinates

property rotation

0 degrees


rotation in degrees of the sprite. Default

property scale

scale of the sprite where 1.0 is the default value

property scale_x

additional horizontal-only scale of the sprite where 1.0 is the default value

property scale_y

additional vertical-only scale of the sprite where 1.0 is the default value

property width

Scaled width of the sprite.

Read-only. Invariant under rotation.



property x

The x coordinate of the CocosNode

property y

The y coordinate of the CocosNode