cocos.text module

Text support

CocosNodes subclasses supporting text. They use a suitable pyglet text object to do the work. Functionality other that the one common to all cococsnodes, except ‘opacity’, is provided by the member ‘element’ , which is the underlying pyglet object.

class HTMLLabel(text='', position=0, 0, **kwargs)

Bases: cocos.text.TextElement

HTML formatted text label (supports a subset of HTML 4.01)

Functionality other that the one common to all cococsnodes, except ‘opacity’, is provided by the member ‘element’ , which is the underlying pyglet object. The undelying pyglet object is pyglet.text.HTMLLabel.

For pyglet 1.1.4 the available init keyword arguments are
  • location: Location object for loading images referred to in the document. By default, the working directory is used.

  • width: Width of the label in pixels, or None

  • height: Height of the label in pixels, or None

  • anchor_x: “left”, “center” or “right”.

  • anchor_y: one of “bottom”, “baseline”, “center” or “top”.

  • multiline : bool

  • dpi : float, defaults to 96


alias of pyglet.text.HTMLLabel

class Label(text='', position=0, 0, **kwargs)

Bases: cocos.text.TextElement

Plain text support

Functionality other that the one common to all cococsnodes, except ‘opacity’, is provided by the member ‘element’ , which is the underlying pyglet object. The undelying pyglet object is pyglet.text.Label

For pyglet 1.1.4 the available init keyword arguments are
  • font_name: Font family name(s); the first matching name is used

  • font_size: Font size, in points

  • bold: bool

  • italic: bool

  • color: (int, int, int, int) Font colour, as RGBA

  • width: Width of the label in pixels, or None

  • height: Height of the label in pixels, or None

  • anchor_x: one of “left”, “center” or “right”

  • anchor_y : one of “bottom”, “baseline”, “center” or “top”

  • align : applies when width is supplied. One of “left”, “center” or “right”.

  • multiline: bool

  • dpi: Resolution of the fonts in this layout. Defaults to 96.


alias of pyglet.text.Label

class PygletRichLabel(text='', font_name=None, font_size=None, bold=False, italic=False, color=None, x=0, y=0, width=None, height=None, anchor_x='left', anchor_y='baseline', align='left', multiline=False, dpi=None, batch=None, group=None)

Bases: pyglet.text.DocumentLabel

This is not a CocosNode - let instantiation be handled by RichLabel

Helper class for RichLabel

class RichLabel(text='', position=0, 0, **kwargs)

Bases: cocos.text.TextElement

displays pyglet attributed (rich) text

The undelying pyglet object is a custom, cocos provided PygletRichLabel element, subclass of pyglet.text.DocumentLabel.

For pyglet 1.1.4 the available init keyword arguments are
  • font_name: Font family name(s); first matching is used

  • font_size: Font size, in points.

  • bold: bool

  • italic: bool

  • color : (int, int, int, int) or None

  • width: Width of the label in pixels, or None

  • height: Height of the label in pixels, or None

  • anchor_x: “left”, “center” or “right”

  • anchor_y: one of “bottom”, “baseline”, “center” or “top”

  • align : only when a width is supplied. One of “left”, “center”, “right”.

  • multiline : bool

  • dpi : Resolution of the fonts in this layout. Defaults to 96.


alias of PygletRichLabel

class TextElement(text='', position=0, 0, **kwargs)

Bases: cocos.cocosnode.CocosNode

Base class for all cocos text

Provides the CocosNode interfase and a pyglet Batch to store parts Functionality other that the one common to all cococsnodes, except ‘opacity’, is provided by the member ‘element’ , which is the underlying pyglet object.


This is the function you will have to override if you want your subclassed CocosNode to draw something on screen.

You must respect the position, scale, rotation and anchor attributes. If you want OpenGL to do the scaling for you, you can:

def draw(self):
    # ... draw ..
property opacity